Monday, May 28, 2012

Serial and Mass Murder

Clifford Robert Olson- Born January 1, 1940 at St.Paul's Hospital in Vancouver, BC. In his teenage years, Olson committed crimes like theft, robbery and B&E's. Olson was know to inmates as 'Bobo' an inmate who would muscle or harass younger inmates. Others knew him as 'The Senator' because he honed cell-room lawyer skills. Being a so called 'stoolie', another name for a rat, Olson has to be moved to the Super Maximum Unit (SMU) which is the Protective Custody unit known as The Penthouse or "rat and rapo" unit. Olson was arrested for impaired driving and contributing to juvenile delinquency after crashing his car in Aggasiz with a 16-year-old passenger. 
   Olson drove an excessive amount and always changed rental cars. He travelled over 20,000km in three months, driving 14 different rental cars. Olson came to Vancouver Island in 1981, where he burglarized two Victoria homes before heading north to Nanaimo where he picked up two young women hitchhiking. Roughly three hours later, Olson was found on a dirt road just before the Long Beach exit with the two girls passing a bottle around. He tried to flee the scene but was arrested at the road block. Police charged him with impaired and reckless driving. Upon searching his rental car, they found a green address book with the name Judy Kozma, a 14-year-old New Westminster girl, written inside. Olson had been interviewed about the disappearances of 10 southern BC children, and said he would provide information for a payout of $100,000.
   On July 30, 1981 Clifford Olson met with Detective Tarr at a White Spot Restaurant where Olson said, to a hidden microphone, he would be hired to release information for a salary of $3,000 a month. He left the restaurant as detectives watched him amble out into the sunshine. Based on Levin and Fox's typology, Clifford Robert Olson would be considered a thrill-killer. One who seeks power over those who are weaker. Even when he was caught, Olson sold the bodies to the police for some feeling of power over them.

Marc Lepine- Born October 26, 1964 under the name Gamil Rodrigue Liass Gharbi. Marc Lépine was in Montreal when he went on a killing rampage at a local college  killing eleven women wounding ten more women and a few men. Marc Lépine would be  a mission killer viewing that what he was doing would improve the world. In a  note Lépine's stated intention of killing feminists as a political statement,  and as a way to scare women back to their traditional roles, shocked people  around the world. Yet it was not the first such hate-inspired massacre. Like  others before it and still to come, it was fueled by a frustration that can  build into a hardened anger and a need to blame an outside person. Some  psychologists call it a catathymic reaction. Serial killers are driven by a need to feel to almost get a fix like an addict.  While a mass murderer believes he is on a mission and what he will make a  difference. Can we predict this and prevent this from happening again? No it  is not possible some we might be able to catch but how can we investigate every  single person who seems stressed or makes the statement that they want to kill  somebody. Outside of taking away our freedom the amount of money and man power  needed to investigate everyone that might be a killer.

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